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Glenn Martens of Y/Project confirms my notion, in order to keep it real: Ride the Subway.

Channeling what he calls a “Poppy/Trashy/Transgender vibe” for both for men and women, the designer draws his inspiration from clothes on the street, or more accurately, the Paris metro. “I’m always staring at people,” he says with a laugh. Martens says he prefers to celebrate the everyday, and explore the workings and possibilities of an individual garment — revamping a classic hoodie, trench coat and jeans. Call it Normcore 2.0. “I like to enjoy the design process,” Martens says of his own approach. “From my point of view, we’re a young team and there’s no separation between our lives and our work — so we might as well enjoy it. You can feel that energy in the clothes, it’s honest, and people respond to it.” The New York Times